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Wie akzeptiere ich eine Besprechungsanfrage, ohne eine Antwort in Outlook zu senden?

Wenn Sie eine Besprechungseinladung in Outlook annehmen, können Sie normalerweise optional auf den Besprechungsorganisator antworten oder nicht. Dieser Artikel zeigt Ihnen die Lösung, eine Besprechungsanfrage zu akzeptieren, ohne eine Antwort in Outlook zu senden.

Akzeptieren Sie eine Besprechungsanfrage, ohne eine Antwort in Outlook zu senden

Akzeptieren Sie eine Besprechungsanfrage, ohne eine Antwort in Outlook zu senden

Sie können die anwenden Senden Sie keine Antwort Option zum einfachen Akzeptieren einer Besprechungsanfrage, ohne eine Antwort in Outlook zu senden.

1. In dem Mail Klicken Sie auf, um die Besprechungsanforderung im Lesebereich zu öffnen.

2. Klicken Sie weiter Akzeptieren > Senden Sie keine Antwort oben im Lesebereich.

Jetzt wird die Besprechungsanfrage automatisch akzeptiert und Ihrem Kalender hinzugefügt, ohne die Besprechungsantwort zu senden.

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Comments (8)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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If you receive an email but the sender has disabled the response required feature, the recipient will still see the accept/tentative/decline options but no options below these features....if you just delete the email does it still save in your calendar....if the sender does not want a response and disables this feature, how do you get this in your calendar and can delete the email
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So what is the idea of Accept, but "Do Not Send a Response", if the status is not synchronised?
Just to see the meeting in a different colour in your own calendar?
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Hi there,

Marking a meeting as “Accept - Do Not Send a Response” will have the meeting showing in your calendar; but for the organizer, they will not know if you have accepted or declined the meeting.

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Varför skulle man vilja skicka utan svar?
Det innebär ju att mötesorganisatören inte vet om de inbjudna kommer eller inte till mötet?
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Charlotte Hertzberg: Because the meeting organizer might have invited a lot of people to the meeting and their inbox would be completely overflowing if each of them are sending a response.

Unfortunately, as R.S. notes, you are not listed as attending the meeting (in the 'Registration' tab) if you accept the invite without sending a response. Otherwise, the meeting organizer could check back after e.g. a week and see the number of attendees without having their inbox overflowed with responses.
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100% agree. I want to confirm that I will attend but not send a bunch of useless email.
Rated 5 out of 5
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You don't have to worry about the recipients inbox. There are options to handle the invitation responses automatically without getting a single email in your inbox. Except the ones that come with some written message attached.
File -> Options -> Mail -> Tracking
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It would be useful to add what impact this has on the Reponse column in the Tracking page of the meeting. One might expect that without sending a response, the status is silently updated in de views of the organiser, that is, without an response message appearing in the inbox, but it seems not status update is applied at all.
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