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Wie ändere ich die Standardzeit für die verzögerte Zustellung in Outlook?

Autor: Siluvia Letzte Änderung: 2023-06-02

Wenn Sie die Option für verzögerte Zustellung aktivieren (die Nicht vorher liefern Option im folgenden Screenshot) für eine E-Mail in Outlook ist die Sendezeit standardmäßig auf 5:00 Uhr eingestellt. Angenommen, Sie arbeiten bis spät in die Nacht und möchten nicht, dass andere wissen, dass Sie Überstunden machen. Sie müssen die Option für die verzögerte Zustellung für Ihre E-Mails aktivieren, bevor Sie sie senden. Nachdem Sie die Option aktiviert haben, müssen Sie die Standard-Sendezeit manuell ändern. Andernfalls wird die E-Mail am nächsten Tag nach 5:00 Uhr gesendet. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, diese Standardlieferzeit zu ändern?

Dieses Lernprogramm enthält einen VBA-Code, der Ihnen hilft, die Standardzeit für die Option für die verzögerte Zustellung in Outlook zu ändern.

Ändern Sie die Standardzeit für die verzögerte Zustellung in Outlook mit VBA-Code

Sie können den folgenden VBA-Code anwenden, um die Standardzeit für die Option zur verzögerten Zustellung in Outlook zu ändern.

Im folgenden VBA-Code:

Sie können zwei Zeiten angeben: die Lieferzeit verzögern und für Aktivierungszeit der Verzögerungszustellungsoption.

Beispielsweise legen Sie die verzögerte Zustellzeit auf 07:30 Uhr fest und legen fest, dass die verzögerte Zustelloption automatisch nach 5:30 Uhr aktiviert wird. Wenn Sie zwischen 07:30 und 5:30 Uhr eine E-Mail senden, wird die E-Mail direkt gesendet. Wenn eine E-Mail zwischen 5:30 Uhr und 07:30 Uhr gesendet wird, wird sie am nächsten Tag nach 07:30 Uhr gesendet.

Bitte testen Sie das Skript wie folgt.

1. Starten Sie Outlook und drücken Sie die Taste Andere + F11 Tasten gleichzeitig zum Öffnen der Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen Fenster.

2. In dem Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen Fenster, doppelklicken Sie auf Project1 > Microsoft Outlook-Objekte > DieseOutlookSession öffnen Diese Outlook-Sitzung (Code) Fenster, und kopieren Sie dann den folgenden Code in dieses Codefenster.

VBA-Code: Ändern Sie die Standardzeit für die verzögerte Zustellung in Outlook

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice & EWP 20230602
  Const xDelayTime As String = "07:30:00"  'The delay delivery time of emails
  Const xCompareTime As String = "17:30:00" 'The time to enable the delay delivery option
  Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
  Dim xWeekday As Integer
  Dim xNowTime As String
  Dim xIsDelay As Boolean
  Dim xRet1 As Integer
  Dim xRet2 As Integer
  On Error GoTo xError
  If (Item.Class <> olMail) Then Exit Sub
  Set xMail = Item
  xWeekday = Weekday(Date, vbMonday)
  xNowTime = Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")
  xIsDelay = False
  xRet1 = StrComp(xNowTime, xDelayTime)
  xRet2 = StrComp(xNowTime, xCompareTime)
  If xRet1 = xRet2 Then
    xIsDelay = True
  End If
  If (xRet1 = -1) And (xRet2 = -1) Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " " & xDelayTime
    If ((xWeekday = 5) And xIsDelay) Or (xWeekday = 6) Or (xWeekday = 7) Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (5 - xWeekday + 3)) & " " & xDelayTime
    ElseIf xIsDelay Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + 1) & " " & xDelayTime
    End If
  End If
Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ItemSend: " & Err.Description, , "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub


1) In den folgenden Zeilen können Sie die Verzögerungszeit und die Zeit zum Aktivieren der Option für die verzögerte Zustellung ändern.
Const xDelayTime As String = "07:30:00"
Const xCompareTime As String = "17:30:00"
2) Wenn Sie eine E-Mail am Wochenende senden, wird sie planmäßig am Montag nach 07:30 Uhr gesendet.

3. Speichern Sie den Code und drücken Sie die Taste Andere + Q Tasten zum Schließen der Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen Fenster.

Wenn Sie von nun an zwischen 07:30 und 5:30 Uhr eine E-Mail senden, wird die E-Mail direkt gesendet. Wenn eine E-Mail zwischen 5:30 Uhr und 07:30 Uhr gesendet wird, wird sie planmäßig nach 07:30 Uhr am nächsten Werktag gesendet.

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Comments (42)
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Would there be a way to change only the default delay time and NOT the time to enable the delay delivery option?
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So useful! Can you add the option that if you are sending to people from within your organisation, this rule does not apply and emails are sent immediately?
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Hi Crystal

This was just what I was looking for, it worked once, and I was very excited! Since then no matter what time of day, the emails send as soon as I click "Send". Any thoughts on what I've done wrong? I'd also love to be able to exclude 'high importance' flags.
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Please ignore that request, seems it was to do with trust settings. Sorted now, thanks for the code!
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I found that when you send an email on Sunday it is push to a week out as xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (vbSaturday - xWeekday + 2)) & " " & xDelayTime ends up with 8 days in the future instead of the expected one. As 7 (vbSaturday) - 1 (xWeekday on Sunday) + 2 is 8. This is my fix:
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by EWP 20230518
  Const xDelayTime As String = "07:30:00"  'The delay delivery time of emails
  Const xCompareTime As String = "17:30:00" 'The time to enable the delay delivery option
  Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
  Dim xWeekday As Integer
  Dim xNowTime As String
  Dim xIsDelay As Boolean
  Dim xRet1 As Integer
  Dim xRet2 As Integer
  On Error GoTo xError
  If (Item.Class <> olMail) Then Exit Sub
  Set xMail = Item
  xWeekday = Weekday(Date, vbMonday)
  xNowTime = Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")
  xIsDelay = False
  xRet1 = StrComp(xNowTime, xDelayTime)
  xRet2 = StrComp(xNowTime, xCompareTime)
  If xRet1 = xRet2 Then
    xIsDelay = True
  End If
  If (xRet1 = -1) And (xRet2 = -1) Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " " & xDelayTime
    If ((xWeekday = 5) And xIsDelay) Or (xWeekday = 6) Or (xWeekday = 7) Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (5 - xWeekday + 3)) & " " & xDelayTime
    ElseIf xIsDelay Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + 1) & " " & xDelayTime
    End If
  End If
Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ItemSend: " & Err.Description, , "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub
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Hi Ehrin Pitts,

Thank you for the correction. I will check the code in the post and correct it.
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This is a most useful piece of code, because it prevents me from disturbing people outside office hours.
However, I sometimes need to send an email outside normal hours and it is a nuisance to comment out the VBA code each time.
My suggestion is that if the "Importance" flage is set to high, then the mail will be sent immediately and not be delayed. Would it be possible for you to add such an exclusion in the code. (Still keeping the existing code, including the line with the xSenderAddress).
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Hi Bernard,

The following VBA code helps to exclude the emails with a high importance flag. Please give it a try.
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230410
  Const xDelayTime As String = "07:30:00"  'The delay delivery time of emails
  Const xCompareTime As String = "17:30:00" 'The time to enable the delay delivery option
  Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
  Dim xWeekday As Integer
  Dim xNowTime As String
  Dim xIsDelay As Boolean
  Dim xRet1 As Integer
  Dim xRet2 As Integer
  On Error GoTo xError
  If (Item.Class <> olMail) Then Exit Sub
  Set xMail = Item
  If xMail.Importance = olImportanceHigh Then Exit Sub 'Exclude emails with a high importance flag
  xWeekday = Weekday(Date, vbSunday)
  xNowTime = Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")
  xIsDelay = False
  xRet1 = StrComp(xNowTime, xDelayTime)
  xRet2 = StrComp(xNowTime, xCompareTime)
  If xRet1 = xRet2 Then
    xIsDelay = True
  End If
  If (xRet1 = -1) And (xRet2 = -1) Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " " & xDelayTime
    If ((xWeekday = vbFriday) And xIsDelay) Or (xWeekday = vbSaturday) Or (xWeekday = vbSunday) Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (vbSaturday - xWeekday + 2)) & " " & xDelayTime
    ElseIf xIsDelay Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + 1) & " " & xDelayTime
    End If
  End If
Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ItemSend: " & Err.Description, , "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub
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Thanks for this macro. I often work late in the evenings or early in the mornings but don't want emails to be sent to my colleagues outside of normal working hours (for me, 08:00 to 17:45, which I've modified in the macro myself).

Is there a way to add an additional clause to the macro for sending emails, please? Currently, if I work early in the morning on a weekday (say 06:00, before the working day officially starts at 08:00) then the macro will delay sending until 08:00 on the following working day. I would rather the email was sent at 08:00 on the current working day. I tested your macro on a Thursday morning at 07:54 and the sending has been delayed until 08:00 on Friday, whereas I would want it to be sent on Thursday at 08:00.

Emails sent after the end of the working day should be sent at the start of the next working day, as you have written. Any emails sent at any time on Saturday or Sunday should be sent at the start of the next working day, again as you have written.

It's been a while since I've written anything substantial in VBA so I'm turning my head inside out trying to find the solution, with no success.
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Hi Dom,

I am sorry to reply to you so late. The following VBA code can help. Please give it a try.
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230410
  Const xDelayTime As String = "08:00:00"  'The delay delivery time of emails
  Const xCompareTime As String = "17:45:00" 'The time to enable the delay delivery option
  Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
  Dim xWeekday As Integer
  Dim xNowTime As String
  Dim xIsDelay As Boolean
  Dim xRet1 As Integer
  Dim xRet2 As Integer
  Dim xDelayInterval As Integer
  On Error GoTo xError
  If (Item.Class <> olMail) Then Exit Sub
  Set xMail = Item
  xWeekday = Weekday(Date, vbSunday)
  xNowTime = Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")
  xIsDelay = False
  xRet1 = StrComp(xNowTime, xDelayTime)
  xRet2 = StrComp(xNowTime, xCompareTime)
  If xRet1 = xRet2 Then
    xIsDelay = True
  End If
  If (xRet1 = -1) And (xRet2 = -1) Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " " & xDelayTime
    If ((xWeekday = vbFriday) And xIsDelay) Or (xWeekday = vbSaturday) Or (xWeekday = vbSunday) Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (vbSaturday - xWeekday + 2)) & " " & xDelayTime
    ElseIf xIsDelay Then
      xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + 1) & " " & xDelayTime
    End If
  End If
Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ItemSend: " & Err.Description, , "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub
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Hi Crystal, the issue returned. No matter what time of day, the emails send as soon as I click "Send". Please let me know any advice. Thank you
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Hi Angela,

The problem was reproduced in my case and we have updated the code. Please give it a try. Thank you for your comment.
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230117
  Const xDelayTime As String = "07:30:00"  'The delay delivery time of emails
  Const xCompareTime As String = "17:30:00" 'The time to enable the delay delivery option
  Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
  Dim xWeekday As Integer
  Dim xNowTime As String
  Dim xIsDelay As Boolean
  On Error GoTo xError
  If (Item.Class <> olMail) Then Exit Sub
  Set xMail = Item
  xWeekday = Weekday(Date, vbSunday)
  xNowTime = Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss")
  xIsDelay = False
  If StrComp(xNowTime, xDelayTime) = StrComp(xNowTime, xCompareTime) Then
    xIsDelay = True
  End If
  If ((xWeekday = vbFriday) And xIsDelay) Or (xWeekday = vbSaturday) Or (xWeekday = vbSunday) Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + (vbSaturday - xWeekday + 2)) & " " & xDelayTime
  ElseIf xIsDelay Then
    xMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = (Date + 1) & " " & xDelayTime
  End If
Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ItemSend: " & Err.Description, , "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub
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Hi Crystal,
I fixed the issue by closing the Outlook application and re-opening it after saving the VBA code. Thank you for this!
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Hi Crystal, I followed your instructions and enabled macros, but the emails are still sending as soon as I click "Send".

I have Outlook version 2101 (Build 13628.20274).

1. I did not modify any variables in the code, so it is saved just as you have instructed for "ThisOutlookSession".
2. It is the only code in "ThisOutlookSession".
3. The current time is 3:19 AM Eastern Time, so I would expect the emails to be delayed upon clicking "Send" since I am attempting to send an email during the time period of 5:30 PM - 07:30 AM.
4. I verified the Macros are enabled.

Is there anything else you can suggest that could cause this macro not to work? Thank you

From the tutorial: "From now on, when you send an email during 07:30 AM - 5:30 PM, the email will be sent directly. If an email is sent during 5:30 PM – 07:30 AM, it will be scheduled to send after 07:30 AM the next workday."
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Hi Crystal, I followed your instructions and enabled macros, but the emails are still sending as soon as I click "Send". I have Outlook version 2101 (Build 13628.20274).
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