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 Wie kann der Zellenwert nach jedem Druck automatisch erhöht werden?

Autor: Xiaoyang Letzte Änderung: 2020-06-03

Angenommen, ich habe eine Arbeitsblattseite, die zum Drucken von 100 Exemplaren benötigt wird. Die Zelle A1 ist die Schecknummer Company-001. Jetzt möchte ich, dass die Nummer nach jedem Ausdruck um 1 erhöht wird. Das heißt, wenn ich das zweite Exemplar drucke, wird die Nummer automatisch auf Company-002 erhöht, das dritte Exemplar auf Company-003… einhundert Exemplare, die Nummer lautet Company-100. Gibt es einen Trick, um dieses Problem in Excel schnell und möglicherweise zu lösen?

Automatischer Inkrementieren des Zellenwerts nach jedem Drucken mit VBA-Code

Pfeil blau rechte Blase Automatischer Inkrementieren des Zellenwerts nach jedem Drucken mit VBA-Code

Normalerweise gibt es für Sie keine direkte Möglichkeit, diese Aufgabe in Excel zu lösen, aber hier werde ich einen VBA-Code erstellen, um damit umzugehen.

1. Halten Sie die Taste gedrückt ALT + F11 Schlüssel zum Öffnen der Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen Fenster.

2. Klicken Sie Insert > Modulund fügen Sie den folgenden Code in das Feld ein Modul Fenster.

VBA-Code: Zellenwert nach jedem Druck automatisch erhöhen:

Sub IncrementPrint()
'updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xCount As Variant
    Dim xScreen As Boolean
    Dim I As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    xCount = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "Kutools for Excel")
    If TypeName(xCount) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
    If (xCount = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xCount)) Or (xCount < 1) Then
        MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        GoTo LInput
        xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For I = 1 To xCount
            ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = " Company-00" & I
        Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
    End If
End Sub

3. Dann drücken F5 Wenn Sie die Taste drücken, um diesen Code auszuführen, wird ein Eingabeaufforderungsfeld angezeigt, das Sie daran erinnert, die Anzahl der Kopien einzugeben, die Sie für das aktuelle Arbeitsblatt drucken möchten. Siehe Screenshot:

Dokumentinkrement beim Drucken 1

4. Klicken Sie OK Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, und Ihr aktuelles Arbeitsblatt wird jetzt gedruckt. Gleichzeitig werden die gedruckten Arbeitsblätter in Zelle A001 nach Bedarf mit der Nummer Company-002, Company-003, Company-1… nummeriert.

Note: Im obigen Code die Zelle A1 Es werden die von Ihnen bestellten Sequenznummern und der ursprüngliche Zellenwert in eingefügt A1 wird gelöscht. Und "Firma-00”Ist die Sequenznummer, können Sie sie nach Ihren Wünschen ändern.

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I need serial numbers like IA1-01,03,05,07...........pls help me
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How would I add code to print duplex on the VBA below. thanks in advance.

Sub IncrementPrint()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim xCount As Variant
Dim xScreen As Boolean
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
xCount = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "Kutools for Excel")
If TypeName(xCount) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If (xCount = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xCount)) Or (xCount < 1) Then
MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
GoTo LInput
xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For I = 1 To xCount
ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value = "0" & I
Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End If
End Sub

Sub IncrementPrint_Reinstall()
Dim xMNWS As Worksheet
On Error GoTo EMarkNumberSheet
Set xMNWS = Sheets("IncrementPrint_MarkNumberSheet")
If Not xMNWS Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
xMNWS.Visible = xlSheetHidden
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
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你好,如我要打印 由C001 - C010,但打卯出來後,第10份都變成 C0010, 請問如何解決
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Hello, Tony,
To solve your problem, please apply the below VBA code:
Sub IncrementPrint_Num()
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim xCount As Variant
Dim xScreen As Boolean
Dim I As Long
Dim xStr As String
Dim xInt As Integer
On Error Resume Next
xStr = "Company-" 'prefix text
xInt = 0   'start number
xCount = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "Kutools for Excel")
If TypeName(xCount) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If (xCount = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xCount)) Or (xCount < 1) Then
MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
GoTo LInput
xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For I = 1 To xCount
xInt = xInt + 1
If xInt < 10 Then
    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = xStr & "00" & xInt
ElseIf xInt > 9 And xInt < 100 Then
    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = xStr & "0" & xInt
    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = xStr & xInt
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End If
End Sub

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Is there a way that you can code pressing the enter button after each number change?

Thank you in advance
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Hello Ariane,

I am trying your requirement of 4 coupons or any no. of places to be incremented on same page and continue to next page. However in the meanwhile, if you have 2 coupons on one page then the below code might help you!

If you have 2 places on one page (like 2 Coupons or 2 templates / 2 vouchers etc.), then you can try using the below code. (Assuming your 1st barcode and 2nd barcode are in cells "A1" and "A20" of the same page, this code will increment values like Company-001 and Company-002 on first page and Company-003 and Company-004 on second page and so on. You can edit the cell no. and Company name as you want in lines 20, 21, 23, 24 and 28,29 of the code.

It will also ask you to enter the starting number and ending number (Thanks to geniusman for this part of code). So for example your starting no. is 1 and ending no. 8, it will print 4 pages of 1,2 on 1st page, 3,4 on 2nd page, 5,6 on 3rd page and finally 7,8 on 4th page. Hope it helps you or anyone who is looking for this type of need/requirement.

Modified Code:
Sub IncrementPrint()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim xEnd As Variant
Dim xStart As Variant
Dim xScreen As Boolean
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
xStart = Application.InputBox("Please enter the first number:", "Kutools for Excel")
xEnd = Application.InputBox("Please enter the last number:", "Kutools for Excel")
If TypeName(xCount) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
If (xStart = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(xStart)) Or (xStart < 1) Then
MsgBox "Error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
GoTo LInput
xScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For I = xStart To xEnd
If I Mod 2 = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = " Company-00" & I + 1
ActiveSheet.Range("A20").Value = " Company-00" & I
ActiveSheet.Range("A20").Value = " Company-00" & I + 1
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = " Company-00" & I
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = xScreen
End If
End Sub

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Hello RNS,Thank you for your share. If you have four coupons on the same page and continue to next page, please paste the following code in the Module Window.
Public Sub IncrementPrint()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim resp As Variant, scr As Boolean, i As Long, j As Long

On Error Resume Next
resp = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "Kutools for Excel")
On Error GoTo 0

If resp = False Then Exit Sub
If resp < 1 Or resp > 100 Then
MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
Exit Sub
End If

scr = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
j = 0
For i = 1 To resp
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 0 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A2").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 1 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A3").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 2 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 3 + j
j = j + 3
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = scr
End Sub

For example, if you want to 2 copies, then the printed paper 1 will be Company-001,Company-002,Company-003,Company-004;and the the printed paper 2 will be Company-005,Company-006,Company-007,Company-008. Please have a try. Have a nice day.
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If I have 4 coupons per sheets, what do I have to modify on this code so the number will be incremented between the coupons on the same sheet as well as from every page it prints (i.e: page 1 has coupons # 1 to 4, page 2 has coupons from 5 to 8, etc.)
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Hello Ariane,
Gald to help. If you have four coupons on the same page and continue to next page, please paste the following code in the Module Window.

Public Sub IncrementPrint()
'updateby Extendoffice
Dim resp As Variant, scr As Boolean, i As Long, j As Long

On Error Resume Next
resp = Application.InputBox("Please enter the number of copies you want to print:", "Kutools for Excel")
On Error GoTo 0

If resp = False Then Exit Sub
If resp < 1 Or resp > 100 Then
MsgBox "error entered, please enter again", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
Exit Sub
End If

scr = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
j = 0
For i = 1 To resp
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 0 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A2").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 1 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A3").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 2 + j
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").Value2 = " Company-00" & i + 3 + j
j = j + 3
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = scr
End Sub

For example, if you want to 2 copies, then the printed paper 1 will be Company-001,Company-002,Company-003,Company-004;and the the printed paper 2 will be Company-005,Company-006,Company-007,Company-008. Please have a try. Have a nice day.

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Hello Ariane,
Please see my above post 0n 24-Feb-2022
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how can i count on from say number 779?  Thank you for sharing this code and any advice you can offer.
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HIAfter doing the formula and selecting F5 I just get pop up Go to Print Area and then have to put in a reference  and I have tried everything but your pop up asking for how many prints does not come up? Helppppp please
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press F5 in the VB window not the excel window.
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God bless you and your soul man! you are a miracle :))
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Thankyou very much for sharing above code. It is very helpful for everyone. Can we add some code more for increasing 8 numbers instead of 1 after prints?Waiting for your reply. Thanks
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