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Wie verschiebe ich die gesamte Zeile basierend auf dem Zellenwert in Excel auf ein anderes Blatt?

Autor: Siluvia Letzte Änderung: 2020-04-28

Dieser Artikel hilft Ihnen beim Verschieben der gesamten Zeile auf ein anderes Blatt basierend auf dem Zellenwert.

Verschieben Sie die gesamte Zeile basierend auf dem Zellenwert mit VBA-Code auf ein anderes Blatt
Verschieben Sie die gesamte Zeile basierend auf dem Zellenwert mit Kutools for Excel auf ein anderes Blatt

Verschieben Sie die gesamte Zeile basierend auf dem Zellenwert mit VBA-Code auf ein anderes Blatt

Wie im folgenden Screenshot gezeigt, müssen Sie die gesamte Zeile von Sheet1 nach Sheet2 verschieben, wenn in Spalte C ein bestimmtes Wort "Done" vorhanden ist. Sie können den folgenden VBA-Code ausprobieren.

1. Drücken Sie Andere+ F11 Tasten gleichzeitig zum Öffnen der Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen Fenster.

2. Klicken Sie im Fenster Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen auf Insert > Modul. Kopieren Sie dann den folgenden VBA-Code und fügen Sie ihn in das Fenster ein.

VBA code 1: Move entire row to another sheet based on cell value

Sub Cheezy()
'Updated by Kutools for Excel 2017/8/28
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Long
    Dim K As Long
    I = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    J = Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If J = 1 Then
       If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
    End If
    Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C" & I)
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For K = 1 To xRg.Count
        If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
            xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & J + 1)
            If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
                K = K - 1
            End If
            J = J + 1
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Note: Im Code, Sheet1 ist das Arbeitsblatt enthält die Zeile, die Sie verschieben möchten. Und Sheet2 ist das Zielarbeitsblatt, in dem Sie die Zeile finden. „C: C."Ist die Spalte enthält den bestimmten Wert und das Wort"Erledigt ”Ist der bestimmte Wert, basierend auf dem Sie die Zeile verschieben. Bitte ändern Sie sie entsprechend Ihren Anforderungen.

3. Drücken Sie die Taste F5 Wenn Sie den Code ausführen, um den Code auszuführen, wird die Zeile, die die Kriterien in Sheet1 erfüllt, sofort in Sheet2 verschoben.

Note: Der obige VBA-Code löscht Zeilen aus den Originaldaten, nachdem er zu einem angegebenen Arbeitsblatt verschoben wurde. Wenn Sie nur Zeilen basierend auf dem Zellenwert kopieren möchten, anstatt sie zu löschen. Bitte wenden Sie den folgenden VBA-Code 2 an.

VBA code 2: Copy entire row to another sheet based on cell value

Sub MoveRowBasedOnCellValue()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2017/11/10
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Long
    Dim K As Long
    I = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    J = Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If J = 1 Then
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
    End If
    Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C" & I)
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For K = 1 To xRg.Count
        If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
            xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & J + 1)
            J = J + 1
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Verschieben Sie die gesamte Zeile basierend auf dem Zellenwert mit Kutools for Excel auf ein anderes Blatt

Wenn Sie ein Neuling im VBA-Code sind. Hier stelle ich das vor Wählen Sie Bestimmte Zellen aus Nutzen von Kutools for Excel. Mit diesem Dienstprogramm können Sie einfach alle Zeilen basierend auf einem bestimmten Zellenwert oder verschiedenen Zellenwerten in einem Arbeitsblatt auswählen und die ausgewählten Zeilen nach Bedarf in das Zielarbeitsblatt kopieren. Bitte gehen Sie wie folgt vor.

Vor der Bewerbung Kutools for Excel, Bitte Laden Sie es zuerst herunter und installieren Sie es.

1. Wählen Sie aus, dass die Spaltenliste den Zellenwert enthält, auf dem die Zeilen verschoben werden sollen, und klicken Sie dann auf Kutoolen > Auswählen > Wählen Sie Bestimmte Zellen aus. Siehe Screenshot:

2. In der Öffnung Wählen Sie Bestimmte Zellen aus Dialogfeld, wählen Sie Ganze Reihe der Auswahltyp Abschnitt auswählen Equals der Spezifischer Typ Geben Sie in der Dropdown-Liste den Zellenwert in das Textfeld ein und klicken Sie auf OK .

Ein anderer Wählen Sie Bestimmte Zellen aus Das Dialogfeld wird angezeigt, in dem die Anzahl der ausgewählten Zeilen angezeigt wird. In der Zwischenzeit wurden alle Zeilen ausgewählt, die den angegebenen Wert in der ausgewählten Spalte enthalten. Siehe Screenshot:

3. Drücken Sie die Taste Ctrl + C Tasten, um die ausgewählten Zeilen zu kopieren und sie dann in das gewünschte Zielarbeitsblatt einzufügen.

Note: Wenn Sie Zeilen basierend auf zwei verschiedenen Zellenwerten in ein anderes Arbeitsblatt verschieben möchten. Verschieben Sie beispielsweise Zeilen basierend auf den Zellenwerten entweder "Fertig" oder "Verarbeitung". Sie können die Option aktivieren Or Zustand in der Wählen Sie Bestimmte Zellen aus Dialogfeld wie unten Screenshot gezeigt:

  Wenn Sie eine kostenlose Testversion (30 Tage) dieses Dienstprogramms wünschen, Bitte klicken Sie, um es herunterzuladenund wenden Sie dann die Operation gemäß den obigen Schritten an.

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I have a workbook with 9 sheets, the last 3 of which are irrelevant in terms of what I'm hoping to do. I keep all my data on Sheet1 (Sheet Name Withdrawn). I have used a code found here and modified it slightly to get closer to what I desire, but there are just a few features that I'm missing. Sheet1, Column B has a dropdown list. Lets call the dropdown choices "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4", "Sheet5", "Sheet6", "Irrelevant1", "Irrelevant2", "Irrelevant3". On Sheet1, Column B, if "Sheet2" is chosen, I want that whole row to be copy and pasted into the first empty row on Sheet2. If "Sheet3" is chosen, I want the whole row to be copy and pasted to the first empty row in Sheet3. I want this same concept for choices "Sheet4", "Sheet5", and "Sheet6". I have accomplished all of this with the code I am using currently. I have also assigned a button to run this Macro.

Here's where I am coming up short from my ideal concept. I also want this to work so that when the choice in Sheet1, Column B is changed, it eliminates that row on the sheet that it was originally copy and pasted to. For instance, lets say I originally choose "Sheet2" from Column B in Sheet1, and therefore it copy and pastes this row to the first empty row in Sheet2. However, later I decide to change my choice in Sheet1, ColumnB for this row to "Sheet3". After hitting my button assigned to this Macro (Or better yet, if this process can somehow be automated), I want it to remove it from Sheet2 and now copy and paste it into Sheet 3, since that is what is chosen now in Sheet 1, Column B for that row. Also, if the choice in Sheet1, ColumnB is changed to "Irrelevant1", "Irrelevant2", or "Irrelevant3", I want it to remove it from all other sheets except Sheet1. Lastly, if a row is already copy and pasted to Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, Sheet5, or Sheet6, I don't want it to be added again when the Macro is run again, which is what I have currenlty happening with my existing code.

Hope this isn't too hard to follow. I can share my workbook if it helps.
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Thank you so much for this! It works very well, except like others who have commented -- I want the rows that move to be pasted in the first empty row. Is there a way to have it do that instead of going to the same row on the new sheet? Currently, if row 9 moves to a different sheet, it also fills row 9 on the new sheet. Thanks!

Code is:

Sub Done()
'Updated by Kutools for Excel 2017/8/28
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim K As Long
I = Worksheets("Big KS Comms List").UsedRange.Rows.Count
J = Worksheets("DONE").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If J = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("DONE").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
End If
Set xRg = Worksheets("Big KS Comms List").Range("D1:D" & I)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For K = 1 To xRg.Count
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "done" Then
xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("DONE").Range("A" & J + 1)
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "done" Then
K = K - 1
End If
J = J + 1
End If
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dear Crystal,

thank you very much for your help but I require your guidance once more 😅

I'm using your code as Module for my worksheet to move finished inquiries, as follow:

Sub Cheezy()
'Updated by Kutools for Excel 2017/8/28
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim K As Long
I = Worksheets("Master").UsedRange.Rows.Count
J = Worksheets("Delivered").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If J = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Delivered").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
End If
Set xRg = Worksheets("Master").Range("M1:M" & I)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For K = 1 To xRg.Count
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Delivered" Then
xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Delivered").Range("A" & J + 1)
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Delivered" Then
K = K - 1
End If
J = J + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Also, to add date and time automatically, I'm using this code which doesn't seem to be working well with the Module:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim A As Range: Set M = Range("M:M")
Dim v As String
If Intersect(Target, M) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Application.EnableEvents = False
v = Target.Value
If v = "Agent Received" Then Target.Offset(0, 4) = Now()
If v = "Ready for Dispatch" Then Target.Offset(0, 2) = Now()
If v = "In Transit" Then Target.Offset(0, 3) = Now()
If v = "Delivered" Then Target.Offset(0, 5) = Now()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

by running the module, I end up with Error 13 type mismatch. Is there a way to fix this ?
Thank you.
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Thank you very much for your help, all works fine.

for me it seems i have to Alt+F8 and run the module every time to get the rules working and rows moving.

is there a way to automate it ? thank you
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In the worksheet that contains the rows you want to move based on cell values, right-click the Worksheet tab and click View Code from the context menu, then add the following VBA code to the Worksheet (Code) window.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Kutools for Excel 2023/11/17
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Long
    Dim K As Long
    I = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    J = Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If J = 1 Then
       If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
    End If
    Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C" & I)
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For K = 1 To xRg.Count
        If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
            xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & J + 1)
            If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
                K = K - 1
            End If
            J = J + 1
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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I am using this code- it works OK BUT seems to be RANDOMLY placing the data on the Completed worksheet. I do not want it to overwrite any data- I would like it to ADD rows to a table or just to the spreadsheet.

Sub MoveRowsToComplete()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim K As Long
I = Worksheets("To-Do List").UsedRange.Rows.Count
J = Worksheets("Completed").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If J = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Completed").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
End If
Set xRg = Worksheets("To-Do List").Range("C1:C" & I)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For K = 1 To xRg.Count
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Complete" Then
xRg(K).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Completed").Range("A" & J + 1)
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Done" Then
K = K - 1
End If
J = J + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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I am moving the row from a table in one sheet to a table in another sheet, the issue I am having the row being moved over to the first available row in the table. It always moves it to the end of the table or the row after the end of the table. Are you able to provide any insight?
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This has been the most helpful post! I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of weeks now and I can finally get my row to move. My question is. I have many tabs at the bottom and depending on the status in a specific column I would like them to go to that specific spreadsheet. I feel like I really configure it when I try to put more subs in.

Essentially, I have 8 tabs (worksheets) at the bottom and a drop down of statuses in column V of each of those tabs.
I would like to be able for the data to move and from worksheet to worksheet as needed based on the status.

I am only able to get this done for one (Form 1 to First Call)

Thank you for any help on being able to put multiple subs to get this accomplished.
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Thanks for the superb code. I had to modify it a bit to make it work in connection with a project I had and found that it was less error prone in my version to have the for loop run in reverse and stepping back -1 which also eliminates the need for the K = K - 1 code line.
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Wow! I love all the assistance you provide! Very cool!

Wondering if you may be able to help me...I have a workbook with two worksheets...One is for "Open Orders" and one is for "Closed Orders".

Currently, I have it set up so that there is a drop down list to determine if the work order is still open or in to be moved into closed status. When I choose "Closed" from the drop down list, I then hit Ctl/Shift/J and it moves it to the "Closed Orders" sheet adding it to the bottom row of the sheet. I then click on the "Closed Orders" sheet tab and use code to hit ctrl/shift/K to sort by the work order number.

Is there a way to automate everything so that when Idesignate the work order as "Closed" in the "Open Orders" sheet that it moves it to the "Closed Orders" sheet AND sorts by work order without having to do the ctrl/shift function in each sheet?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!!

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Hi Deb,
I don't quite understand the "Sort" part you memtioned. Do you mind uploading your sample file here.
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Hello, I posted a comment a moment ago but realised I completely mucked it up, so let's try again!

I'm trying to use this code but need to make a few tweaks and can't figure out how.

The value I'm looking for is "Unplanned" and needs to be in column H, but from H3 down (exclude H1 and H2).
Instead of copying the entire row, I need to copy from A:D.
When pasting into the next sheet, I need it to start at A3.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks 😊
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Ho Tess Laughlin,
The following code can help you solve the problem. Please give it a try. Thank you.
Sub Cheezy()
    'Updated by Kutools for Excel 20221128
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim xCell As Range
    Dim I As Long
    Dim J As Long
    Dim K As Long
    I = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    J = Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If J = 1 Then
       If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 2
    End If
    Set xRg = Intersect(Range("H3:H1048576"), Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For K = 1 To xRg.Count
        If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "Unplanned" Then
            xStr = CStr(K + 2)
            Range("A" & xStr & ":D" & xStr).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & J + 1)
            J = J + 1
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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This is great, thanks so much! :)
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