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Wie kopiere ich die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur auf den Desktop (Windows Explorer)?

Autor: Kelly Letzte Änderung: 2018-04-11

Wie Sie wissen, können wir die Archivierungsfunktion anwenden, um die Ordnerstruktur in ein anderes Outlook zu kopieren. Wissen Sie jedoch, wie Sie die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur in einen bestimmten Fensterordner wie den Desktop kopieren? In diesem Artikel wird ein VBA vorgestellt, mit dem die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur einfach in den Windows Explorer kopiert werden kann.

Kopieren Sie die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur auf den Desktop (Windows Explorer).

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Kopieren Sie die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur auf den Desktop (Windows Explorer).

Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus, um die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur auf den Desktop oder den Windows Explorer zu kopieren.

1. Klicken Sie im Navigationsbereich auf, um den angegebenen Ordner zu markieren, dessen Ordnerstruktur Sie kopieren möchten, und drücken Sie Andere + F11 Tasten zum Öffnen des Fensters Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen.

2 Klicken Tools > Bibliographie um das Dialogfeld Referenzen zu öffnen. Überprüfen Sie dann im Dialogfeld die Microsoft Scripting-Laufzeit Option und klicken Sie auf OK Taste. Siehe Screenshot:

3 Klicken Insert > ModulKopieren Sie den folgenden VBA-Code und fügen Sie ihn in das neue Modulfenster ein.

VBA: Kopieren Sie die Outlook-Ordnerstruktur in den Windows Explorer

Dim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Sub CopyOutlookFldStructureToWinExplorer()
    ExportAction "Copy"
End Sub
Sub ExportAction(xAction As String)
Dim xFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim xFldPath As String
xFldPath = SelectAFolder()
If xFldPath = "" Then
    MsgBox "You did not select a folder. Export cancelled.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Kutools for Outlook"
    Set xFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set xFolder = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
    ExportOutlookFolder xFolder, xFldPath
End If
Set xFolder = Nothing
Set xFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ExportOutlookFolder(ByVal OutlookFolder As Outlook.Folder, xFldPath As String)
Dim xSubFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFilePath As String
Dim xSubject As String
Dim xCount As Integer
Dim xFilename As String
On Error Resume Next
xPath = xFldPath & "\" & OutlookFolder.Name
If Dir(xPath, 16) = Empty Then MkDir xPath
For Each xItem In OutlookFolder.Items
    xSubject = ReplaceInvalidCharacters(xItem.Subject)
    xFilename = xSubject & ".msg"
    xCount = 0
    xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
    If xFSO.FileExists(xFilePath) Then
        xCount = xCount + 1
        xFilename = xSubject & " (" & xCount & ").msg"
        xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
    End If
    xItem.SaveAs xFilePath, olMSG
For Each xSubFld In OutlookFolder.Folders
    ExportOutlookFolder xSubFld, xPath
Set OutlookFolder = Nothing
Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub

Function SelectAFolder() As String
Dim xSelFolder As Object
Dim xShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set xSelFolder = xShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a folder", 0, 0)
If Not TypeName(xSelFolder) = "Nothing" Then
    SelectAFolder = xSelFolder.self.Path
End If
Set xSelFolder = Nothing
Set xShell = Nothing
End Function
Function ReplaceInvalidCharacters(Str As String) As String
Dim xRegEx
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
xRegEx.Pattern = "\||\/|\<|\>|""|:|\*|\\|\?"
ReplaceInvalidCharacters = xRegEx.Replace(Str, "")
End Function

4. Drücken Sie F5 Taste oder klicken Sie auf Führen Sie Schaltfläche, um diese VBA auszuführen.

5. Wählen Sie im daraufhin angezeigten Dialogfeld „Nach Ordner suchen“ den angegebenen Ordner aus, in dem Sie die kopierte Ordnerstruktur ablegen möchten, und klicken Sie auf OK Taste. Siehe Screenshot:

Gehen Sie nun zum angegebenen Ordner. Sie werden sehen, dass die Ordnerstruktur auf die angegebene Festplatte kopiert wird. Siehe Screenshot:

Note: Die Ordnerelemente wie E-Mails, Termine, Aufgaben usw. werden auch in entsprechende Ordner auf der Festplatte kopiert.

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Comments (16)
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Hello, that's brilliant! How can I adjust the code to only save email attachments, not the entire message? Many thanks
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'This code solves the duplicate filename problemDim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Sub CopyOutlookFldStructureToWinExplorer()
ExportAction "Copy"
End Sub

Sub ExportAction(xAction As String)
Dim xFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim xFldPath As String
xFldPath = SelectAFolder()
If xFldPath = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not select a folder. Export cancelled.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Kutools for Outlook"
Set xFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set xFolder = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
ExportOutlookFolder xFolder, xFldPath
End If
Set xFolder = Nothing
Set xFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ExportOutlookFolder(ByVal OutlookFolder As Outlook.Folder, xFldPath As String)
Dim xSubFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFilePath As String
Dim xSubject As String
Dim xCount As Integer
Dim xFilename As String
On Error Resume Next
xPath = xFldPath & "\" & OutlookFolder.Name
If Dir(xPath, 16) = Empty Then MkDir xPath

xCount = 0

For Each xItem In OutlookFolder.Items
xSubject = ReplaceInvalidCharacters(xItem.Subject)
xFilename = xSubject & ".msg"
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
If xFSO.FileExists(xFilePath) Then
xCount = xCount + 1
xFilename = xSubject & " (" & xCount & ").msg"
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
While xFSO.FileExists(xFilePath)
xCount = xCount + 1
xFilename = xSubject & " (" & xCount & ").msg"
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
End If
xItem.SaveAs xFilePath, olMSG
xCount = 0
For Each xSubFld In OutlookFolder.Folders
ExportOutlookFolder xSubFld, xPath
Set OutlookFolder = Nothing
Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub

Function SelectAFolder() As String
Dim xSelFolder As Object
Dim xShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set xSelFolder = xShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a folder", 0, 0)
If Not TypeName(xSelFolder) = "Nothing" Then
SelectAFolder = xSelFolder.self.Path
End If
Set xSelFolder = Nothing
Set xShell = Nothing
End Function

Function ReplaceInvalidCharacters(Str As String) As String
Dim xRegEx
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
xRegEx.Pattern = "\||\/|\<|\>|""|:|\*|\\|\?"
ReplaceInvalidCharacters = xRegEx.Replace(Str, "")
End Function
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Here is how i modified the code to make it work

i will paste it in reply
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Dim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Sub CopyOutlookFldStructureToWinExplorer()
ExportAction "Copy"
msg = MsgBox("Copy of your Inbox is successful", vbOKOnly, "Done")
End Sub

Sub ExportAction(xAction As String)
Dim xFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim xFldPath As String
xFldPath = SelectAFolder()
If xFldPath = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not select a folder. Export cancelled.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Kutools for Outlook"
Set xFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set xFolder = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
ExportOutlookFolder xFolder, xFldPath
End If
Set xFolder = Nothing
Set xFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ExportOutlookFolder(ByVal OutlookFolder As Outlook.Folder, xFldPath As String)
Dim xSubFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFilePath As String
Dim xSubject As String * 100

Dim xCounter As Integer
Dim xFilename As String
Dim xFileDateRec As String

On Error Resume Next
xPath = xFldPath & "\" & ReplaceInvalidCharacters(OutlookFolder.Name)

If Dir(xPath, 16) = Empty Then MkDir xPath
xCounter = 0

For Each xItem In OutlookFolder.Items
xCounter = xCounter + 1
xSubject = ReplaceInvalidCharacters(xItem.Subject)
xFileDateRec = xItem.ReceivedTime
xFilename = ReplaceInvalidCharacters(RTrim(xSubject) & xFileDateRec & " " & xCounter & ".msg")
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
xItem.SaveAs xFilePath, olMSG
For Each xSubFld In OutlookFolder.Folders
ExportOutlookFolder xSubFld, xPath
Set OutlookFolder = Nothing
Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub

Function SelectAFolder() As String
Dim xSelFolder As Object
Dim xShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set xSelFolder = xShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a folder", 0, 0)
If Not TypeName(xSelFolder) = "Nothing" Then
SelectAFolder = xSelFolder.self.Path
End If
Set xSelFolder = Nothing
Set xShell = Nothing
End Function

Function ReplaceInvalidCharacters(Str As String) As String
Dim xRegEx
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
xRegEx.Pattern = "\||\/|\<|\>|""|:|\*|\\|\?"
ReplaceInvalidCharacters = xRegEx.Replace(Str, "_")
End Function
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If I re-run this VBA every couple months, does it only copy new email or does it copy new email and create duplicates for all existing emails?
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xItem.SaveAs xFilePath, olMSG
For Each xSubFld In OutlookFolder.Folders
ExportOutlookFolder xSubFld, xPath
Set OutlookFolder = Nothing
Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub

Function SelectAFolder() As String
Dim xSelFolder As Object
Dim xShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set xSelFolder = xShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a folder", 0, 0)
If Not TypeName(xSelFolder) = "Nothing" Then
SelectAFolder = xSelFolder.self.Path
End If
Set xSelFolder = Nothing
Set xShell = Nothing
End Function

Function ReplaceInvalidCharacters(Str As String) As String
Dim xRegEx
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
xRegEx.Pattern = "\||\/|\<|\>|""|:|\*|\\|\?"
ReplaceInvalidCharacters = xRegEx.Replace(Str, "_")
End Function
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What is this second piece of code? Do I use the original reply code or the second reply and that?
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it is all 1 code, it was too long to post in 1 piece
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hello, same thing. you code works great.. the only thing is that the duplicate names, more than (1), are not exported.
Please add the option.
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Yes! the same as Ammar asked, can you modify the code so it copies every item even if it has the same name!!! this would help me a lot
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Hello I have one question, I used the above mentioned code, but it is missing the related conversations as it has the same subject. This is created problem as the numbers of items in outlook not matching with number of items in folder. Can you please help to edit the above code so that it also paste all the items even though it has same subject ?
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Dim xFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Sub CopyOutlookFldStructureToWinExplorer()
ExportAction "Copy"
End Sub

Sub ExportAction(xAction As String)
Dim xFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim xFldPath As String
xFldPath = SelectAFolder()
If xFldPath = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not select a folder. Export cancelled.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Kutools for Outlook"
Set xFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set xFolder = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
ExportOutlookFolder xFolder, xFldPath
End If
Set xFolder = Nothing
Set xFSO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ExportOutlookFolder(ByVal OutlookFolder As Outlook.Folder, xFldPath As String)
Dim xSubFld As Outlook.Folder
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFilePath As String
Dim xSubject As String
Dim xCount As Integer
Dim xFilename As String
On Error Resume Next
xPath = xFldPath & "\" & OutlookFolder.Name
If Dir(xPath, 16) = Empty Then MkDir xPath
xCount = 0 ' Pasted lineFor Each xItem In OutlookFolder.Items
xSubject = ReplaceInvalidCharacters(xItem.Subject)
xFilename = xSubject & ".msg"
' Deleted line xCount = 0
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
If xFSO.FileExists(xFilePath) Then
xCount = xCount + 1
xFilename = xSubject & " (" & xCount & ").msg"
xFilePath = xPath & "\" & xFilename
Else ' New linexCount = 0 ' New line E xItem.SaveAs xFilePath, olMSG
For Each xSubFld In OutlookFolder.Folders
ExportOutlookFolder xSubFld, xPath
Set OutlookFolder = Nothing
Set xItem = Nothing
End Sub

Function SelectAFolder() As String
Dim xSelFolder As Object
Dim xShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set xSelFolder = xShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a folder", 0, 0)
If Not TypeName(xSelFolder) = "Nothing" Then
SelectAFolder = xSelFolder.self.Path
End If
Set xSelFolder = Nothing
Set xShell = Nothing
End Function

Function ReplaceInvalidCharacters(Str As String) As String
Dim xRegEx
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
xRegEx.Pattern = "\||\/|\<|\>|""|:|\*|\\|\?"
ReplaceInvalidCharacters = xRegEx.Replace(Str, "")
End Function
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This is great, thank you! What would the code look like if I just want Inbox + all subfolders? (i.e., exclude deleted items?)Thank you!Morghan
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It works (sort of), but (a) there were more messages exported to one folder than were in the corresponding Outlook Folder and (b) there were fewer messages exported to one folder than were in the Outlook Folder and (c) (not 100% sure) I think one message went to the wrong folder.
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I have Outlook 15, and the macro won't replace the "/" where used in Outlook folder names. It just skips those folders. Is this a compatibility issue?
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Serait-il possible de stocker les mails dans un fichier .pst ?

D'avance merci pour vos retours.


Ando Rakotomalala
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